October 5, 2024
ARK Server Upgrade AMD Ryzen 5900X

Help FAQ

Got a question about WickedNinjaGames or need some help check out our Help FAQ page, if you cannot find the answer here feel free to contact us on Discord. If the same questions are asked frequently we will add them here.

If you have any suggestions please let us know, join us on Discord.

Q. Who are WickedNinjaGames?

WickedNinjaGames came about when a group of friends decided that they wanted to share their passion for gaming with the rest of the world.

We are building a community of like minded gamers, that can come together and enjoy playing online multiplayer games together in a positive, friendly and co-operative gaming environment.

If you want to know more check out our biographies here.

Q. What games do WNG support?

We currently run servers for:

Q. I need help with a game you support, where do I go?

Check out the main navigation on the website, or click the links below:

Cannot find an answer on the website ask us out on Discord.

Q. What hardware do your servers run on?

To allow us to provide the best experience possible we have invested in some serious hardware to run our servers. Here are the specifications for both of our main game servers:

  • AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12 cores 24 threads @ 4.5GHz on all cores with a boost up to 4.8Ghz when required
  • PCIe Gen4 Controller
  • 128 GB DDR4 ECC 2666MHz
  • 4 x 1.92TB Samsung NVMe RAID
  • 1Gb Unmetered Internet Connection

Q. Will I get a good connection to your servers?

In order to provide the best possible performance when playing online we have invested in a serious connection.

Each server has the ability to upload at 1 Gbps and download at 10 Gbps.

The datacentre where our servers are located is situated on a major internet backbone in the heart of London, you should have both a stable and low ping connection.

WNG Server Ping
Pinging the WNG ARK server

Q. How do you afford to keep the servers running?

We rely heavily on our community to help keep the servers running. This kind of hardware is expensive and keeping it running is not easy.

For each of the games we support players are able to show their support by donating towards the upkeep of the servers.

We have a few ways to donate. With each donation to show our appreciation we offer some perks and in some cases in-game rewards.

Check out our Shop and see what you can get with each donation, we support one off donations or automatic monthly donations.

Q. If you receive more donations than the cost of running the servers what do you do with it?

Every penny donated goes towards expanding the WickedNinjaGames network.

More games, more game modes, more servers and more events.

Q. What are your plans for the future?

To keep expanding the network of games we support. Build a community that enjoys playing, chatting. and helping each other out.

Generally just having fun doing what we love, gaming.

Last updated: August 19th, 2022